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Rosette of the cathedral of Palma

EVENTS / 31 January, 2018

Rosette of the cathedral of Palma

Discover the spectacular rosette of la Seu de Palma

It is definitely worth it to set the alarm on 2nd February to eye witness a unique illumination show known as "the show of eight". This magical occurance only happens twice a year in the Seu ofPalma and on some symbolic dates; the 2nd day of the 2nd month and the 11th day 1of the 11th month. On these days from 8:00 in the morning, everyone who is in the cathedralcan see how the rising sun crosses the rosette of the main facade so thatduring a short period of time one is reflected on the other, forming a doublerosette, one of glass and another of light, giving rise to the shape of a 8. Atruly magical spectacle!


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